Photograph of the winners of the 3rd edition of the IF7KING LEAGUE on January 7, 2024 posing for the camera.

We start the year in the best way

Last Sunday, January 7, we held the first edition of the best amateur soccer tournament in Madrid; the IF7KING LEAGUE. For 2 hours we were in our Madrid Rio field with more than 30 participants, divided into 6 teams and facing each other in our original King of the Track format.

An afternoon of pure football accompanied by good music and the best football atmosphere was what we experienced in this first edition. Awards everywhere for our champions, MVP, least defeated fence and of course, the scorer.

We already have more than 3 editions of the IF7KING LEAGUE and we can tell you that in each one we have been surpassing ourselves both in organization, logistics, as well as in participation, interaction and satisfaction of our participants. We are a family of more than 38 thousand users who we strive to not only enlarge every day, but also bring joy with our IF7SPORTS experience.

Our plan is to hold an edition of the IF7KING LEAGUE monthly and we have started in the best way. We remain firm in our work to generate community around a passion that moves masses such as football.

We are not just an app, we are IF7SPORTS!

IF7SPORTS, the best option to play football in Madrid

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If, after reading and learning about what IF7SPORTS does, you want to play football alone or with your friends in Madrid or other cities in Spain, download IF7SPORTS!

The IF7SPORTS app is available for iOs, Android and Web, it will allow you to play football wherever, whenever and with whomever you want in Madrid and other cities in Spain.

At IF7SPORTS, we offer different ways to enjoy football, whether it is women's, men's or mixed football.

We have many places available to play football in Madrid.

Join the largest amateur football community in Spain!