February with F for Football

Next February 11, more than 30 soccer fans will have the opportunity to live an authentic IF7SPORTS experience when we carry out the second edition of our IF7KING LEAGUE 2024. Starting at 2:30 p.m., the ball will roll on our Lilí Álvarez field in Madrid.

To the rhythm of good music, the best organization and the intensity of football, we will have two hours full of the most popular sport in the world. Six teams will compete in the best amateur soccer tournament in Madrid in the King of the Track category, showing off talent in the world football capital.

We have set several goals for this new year and we continue to meet them. An edition of IF7KING LEAGUE every month, and we are already on our second. In addition, we want the prizes for our users to be larger and larger, so we will be rewarding not only our champions, but also our MVP, least defeated goal and, of course, the scorer.


With the aim of continuing to grow the family of more than 38 thousand users that we ensure not only enlarge every day, but also bring joy with our IF7SPORTS experience, our company opens its doors so that people and/or companies that have a soccer field add to our community.

We are an app to play soccer in Madrid, Barcelona, Mallorca and Dubai, which has more than 36 fields and organizes approximately 16 matches daily. This year, we have set the goal of reaching 450 matches per month and that is why we want to add new fields to our offer.

Do you have a soccer field and want to get the most out of it? Contact us by any means and we will be happy to provide you with the same and better service that we give to the private and public courses that are already part of our community.

IF7SPORTS, the best option to play football in Madrid

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If, after reading and learning about what IF7SPORTS does, you want to play football alone or with your friends in Madrid or other cities in Spain, download IF7SPORTS!

The IF7SPORTS app is available for iOs, Android and Web, it will allow you to play football wherever, whenever and with whomever you want in Madrid and other cities in Spain.

At IF7SPORTS, we offer different ways to enjoy football, whether it is women's, men's or mixed football.

We have many places available to play football in Madrid.

Join the largest amateur football community in Spain!