IF7SPORTS logo in white on green.

Presenting our new website

We have changed our website!

As in charge of this new change, I have proposed writing this small article to announce the new website, which will not be the last change that the IF7SPORTS team has prepared, wink wink.

The main difference is the initial loading, which has gone from between 6 and 9 seconds to less than one, a very significant improvement. In addition to speed, small changes have been made to the design and some aspects have been updated, such as the bonus section. Other functionalities have also been added, such as RSS feeds for the blog or the possibility of downloading the website.

On a more technical note, the website migrated from Angular to Astro, which will also allow for more constant blog posts due to native markdown support offered by Astro.

We hope that both you and our new users can enjoy a better experience on our new website :)

IF7SPORTS, the best option to play football in Madrid

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If, after reading and learning about what IF7SPORTS does, you want to play football alone or with your friends in Madrid or other cities in Spain, download IF7SPORTS!

The IF7SPORTS app is available for iOs, Android and Web, it will allow you to play football wherever, whenever and with whomever you want in Madrid and other cities in Spain.

At IF7SPORTS, we offer different ways to enjoy football, whether it is women's, men's or mixed football.

We have many places available to play football in Madrid.

Join the largest amateur football community in Spain!