IF7SPORTS player kicking a soccer ball

Play football with IF7SPORTS

By exercising, you can meet a new circle of friends, as you quickly identify people with interests similar to your own.

It is very convenient when, for professional or personal reasons, one arrives in a new city. IF7SPORTS is the answer to this growing need of people. It is a website and app that organises morning and afternoon amateur football matches. They are in charge of creating the teams with 16 members and provide all the logistics for the realisation of the matches.

Become an amateur football player in just one click

Israel Sevillano is the CEO of this initiative that aims to integrate people through the organisation of football matches. To participate, those interested must sign up on the web platform or on the app. There are matches in the morning and also in the evening for those who work or study.

As the organiser, IF7SPORTS provides everything to do with waistcoats, bibs and balls. It is also in charge of providing the field of play with the ideal conditions for the activities to be carried out and enjoyed.

This entrepreneur recalls that playing football generates a series of benefits for the body, both physically and psychologically. It stimulates strength, endurance levels, the generation of muscle mass and motor coordination of the organism. It helps to control weight and reduce stress, making it ideal for professionals and students overwhelmed by the daily routine.

The important support of technology

Although the IF7SPORTS platform promotes amateur football matches, this does not mean that everything is conducted in an informal manner. On the contrary, it takes advantage of the technological resources available today to provide players with additional benefits. One example is the use of artificial intelligence.

Players are provided with an artificial intelligence and action-camera recording service so that they can relive their best exploits and analyse their level. The platform also offers profiles of other team members so that they can assess the strengths of their teammates. IF7SPORTS uploads the videos of its events to YouTube, where participants can relive them and send them to their friends and family.

The CEO of IF7SPORTS says that by joining the community, players gain a number of benefits, such as the acquisition of bonuses. These allow players to lower their registration fees for each game. You can also accumulate points for arriving early to games and win cash prizes. You can also earn bonuses for inviting friends and acquaintances to participate in the games.

IF7SPORTS, the best option to play football in Madrid

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If, after reading and learning about what IF7SPORTS does, you want to play football alone or with your friends in Madrid or other cities in Spain, download IF7SPORTS!

The IF7SPORTS app is available for iOs, Android and Web, it will allow you to play football wherever, whenever and with whomever you want in Madrid and other cities in Spain.

At IF7SPORTS, we offer different ways to enjoy football, whether it is women's, men's or mixed football.

We have many places available to play football in Madrid.

Join the largest amateur football community in Spain!