Photograph of the La Nave Madrid building, a reference innovation center of the Madrid City Council, at C. Cifuentes, 5, Villaverde, Madrid.

IF7SPORTS was present at La Nave Madrid

Last Tuesday, January 23, IF7SPORTS was accepted and selected to attend La Nave Madrid in the Sportech category. We are very proud that little by little doors are opening to not only grow as a community but also at a business, experiential and quality level. All this by and for all our users.

La Nave Madrid is a program that was born with the fundamental purpose of promoting meetings between businessmen, entrepreneurs, investments and mentors in a completely personalized space for the different selected categories. Thus generating an atmosphere of business, innovation and business management.

At IF7SPORTS we have set ourselves the challenge for 2024 of exceeding the mark of 400 matches organized per month and of giving a twist to our service. A transition that means new communication strategies, new spaces to generate community among our old, new and potential users, and a better experience regarding what football is in our company.

We continue to ensure sport as a factor of unity, change and positivity among the entire community. We work with the essential objective of giving you a better experience not only during your game, but also before and after, and little by little we are building a service of excellence for all of you.

At IF7SPORTS the protagonists are you!

IF7SPORTS, the best option to play football in Madrid

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If, after reading and learning about what IF7SPORTS does, you want to play football alone or with your friends in Madrid or other cities in Spain, download IF7SPORTS!

The IF7SPORTS app is available for iOs, Android and Web, it will allow you to play football wherever, whenever and with whomever you want in Madrid and other cities in Spain.

At IF7SPORTS, we offer different ways to enjoy football, whether it is women's, men's or mixed football.

We have many places available to play football in Madrid.

Join the largest amateur football community in Spain!